Living conditions inside AIDS Healthcare Foundation housing

A Times investigation has found that many of the AIDS Healthcare Foundation’s more than 1,300 residents live in squalid conditions, with dozens under the threat of eviction.

Roaches and bed bugs infest rooms. Electricity, heating and plumbing systems fail. Elevators malfunction. Code enforcement and public health complaints at foundation buildings are more than three times higher than those owned by other Skid Row nonprofits.

The foundation’s lawyer said the organization has spent tens of millions of dollars renovating and repairing its properties and that the foundation has increased occupancy by nearly 200%, meaning almost 1,000 people are off the streets that otherwise wouldn’t have been. The foundation’s problems, he said, are similar to those faced by other Skid Row landlords: operating old buildings while serving a troubled tenant population without sufficient support from the city.

Read more about this investigation at

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